ideas for a new earth
welcome to a place of visions
Not the imaginary kind, but the detailed manifestations of possibility that precede any creative act. We are in a time of great reckoning, and great opportunity. Let us, together, foster constructive conversations and build realistic blueprints for the society we want to be a part of.
We look towards solutions that embody integration and reciprocity, that leverage existing forces and systems in order to transform them. We value the autonomy of each being while also seeking to support them in building an abundant life.
In this space, we are moving toward a future that is egalitarian and ecologically embedded.
As a child, I believed in a world where we were taken care of. Not because we outsourced our needs, but because life itself is based on abundance.
As I grew up, this belief rotted as I witnessed the ways our systems of culture and governance made struggle a necessity, the ways they prioritized exploitation and rewarded heartlessness.​
Ideas for a New Earth is a way of recapturing that initial sense of community and possibility. A way to theorize new systems, to share other ways of being. It is my hope that this platform will grow to include other voices, and have a tangible effect on the trajectory of our species.
Thank you for being here. May you see the beauty of what is yet to be.
Abigail Wilson toys with many ideas of how this world could be - shared with you here in words. A systems mindset and expanding enthusiasm have brought her to experience a plethora of contexts, including education, manufacturing, the arts, business ownership, and technology.
She recognizes the intersectionality of our living systems - government and spirituality, ecosystems and education, agriculture and autonomy - and seeks to nourish integration of all moving parts.
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